30th August - Death Valley to Bishop, CA

We escaped the madness of Vegas today, on the road just after 7 am,  the highest mileage day of the whole trip just over 330 to head West into Death Valley. The route I chose came in via Shoshone, Ashford Junction and Badwater up to Furnace Creek, before heading out toward Stovepipe Wells and out over the Panamint Mountain range. The temperature gradually rose, in the valley it was now up to 110 degrees F, we had the air-con on full but kept passing warning signs saying turn air con off to avoid the car overheating! After our stop at Badwater, the salt bed lake, Helen took over driving through the rest of the Valley, a great drive around the twisty section known as 'Artists Drive' before climbing up to Zabriskie Point for the superb view. Later we went to the Visitors Centre to cool down, and then out to visit the Mesquite Sand dunes where scenes from Star Wars A New Hope was filmed.

Later into the afternoon as the sun beat down through the windscreen, we climbed up and over the Panamint range, spectacular view and slightly cooler as we drove around the edge of the dried up Owens Lake into Lone Pine for a much needed late lunch at a great little cafe to cool down with lemonade refills and great value after the last two days of high prices. 

Bishop came recommended as a stop off between Las Vegas and Yosemite, just enough mileage to start us off with a shorter drive tomorrow. We really like it here, and Helen had booked us into the Creekside Inn, a great little place literally next to the creek. We finished the day sharing a Pizza and beer outside sat by the creek. Yet another great day.




Artists Drive.

Green 'Copper' sediment in the rocks.

Up at Zabriskie point. Helen chose to keep cool in the car.


Mesquite Sand Dunes.

Up towards Panamint.

Dried up Owens Lake bed.

Our stay for the night at Bishop, the Creekside Inn.